Best Family Board Games Reviews!

Don’t buy another board game without reading our Best Family Board Games reviews. We will prevent an expensive mistake, and help you to find the best family party games and other top family games!

Top 10 Family Board Games

We’re committed to reviewing the best family board games. Here’s a lot of the top 10 family games, according to our board game reviews team. These are in no particular order.

  1.  Abandon Ship
    This fun game is a dice-based race to avoid drowning! Your rats must run from the sinking ship, and send back their opponent rats. Cute and cleverly designed, Abandon Ship board game can be played with up to seven players of any age.
  2.  Jenga
    Loud, simple and great as a family party game, the Jenga stacking game could not be easier to learn. Even so, it’s tons of fun, guarantees laughter, and can be played by a crowd of all ages.

    1.  Operation
      If you’ve never played the Operation game in a mixed age crowd, then you’ve not witnessed first-hand how much fun this game can be. We recommend adapting this to family game format by declaring teams of two. Each player will take alternating turns. Don’t expect the adults to always win!
    2. Othello
      Another classic strategy game, the Othello board game shows how simple two-player games can be huge hits with the family crowd. If you have a lot of players, consider getting two or three sets, and creating either a league or knockout competition to give a sense of competition.
    3.  Bohnanza
      If you think the best family board games don’t amount to a hill of beans, then you’ve never played the Bohnanza game! It’s actually a card game, but this bean-growing and harvesting classic game is really fun, easy to play and hard to master.
    4. Game of Life
      The Game of Life board game is a classic that has not changed much in the 50-odd years since its release. However, there are now multiple versions to appeal to collectors, so even if the original doesn’t appeal, you can play Family Guy Game of Life, The Wizard of Oz Game of Life, or even Haunted Mansion Game of Life!
    5. Ticket To Ride
      Nothing to do with The Beatles, Ticket to Ride board game is a train board game that is easy to learn. Colored tickets link towns together in a quest to complete your routes. Fun for all ages, and don’t be surprised if the kids beat you!
    6. Battleship
      Another two-player board games classic, again, play the Battleship board game as a league or cup knockout tournament if you are in a larger group. Can also be on standby for when players get knocked out of a longer family board game.
    7. Blokus
      A great choice of puzzle games, Blokus can be played by two to four players. The idea is to place as many of your tiles on the board and stop the opponents from doing the same. It is very simple, but fiendishly hard to master!

While fans of more modern board games like to sneer at this old chestnut, there are Monopoly games for all themes, cities and interest groups, and more than 600 million people are estimated to have played the game. We believe it belongs on the list of top family games, and you may disagree, but until your family plays, you should not jump to conclusions! Just avoid the silly versions with credit cards in place of paper money.
It’s important to note that different occasions and mixes of people will call for very different best family board games choices.
A mostly older crowd will not get the most out of the same games that, for example, two under 10s, two teens and two parents would enjoy.

If your personal top family games are not listed here, send us board game reviews. See also: Best Board Games Award Winners.