Mesopotamia board game

Mesopotamia board game

by The Beast!

(Boardgame Beast HQ)

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Mesopotamia board game

You’re in charge of a clan wishing to settle in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), with the task of managing resources and collecting Mana (bread of the gods). There’s a nice extra side quest, which all the players must co-operate on, building a temple to Marduk.

All kinds of fun abilities are available to players — this game is certainly not rooted in realism. You’ll be exploring the board, collecting resources, looking for a mate, making sacrifices and even teleporting!

It’s similar to certain video games which give you action points as well as movement points, so playing those will familiarize you with the game turn mechanics. Continues belowThere’s a lot of strategy involved in the game; you’ll frequently have to choose between one option or another, when your brain is screaming at you to do both, but that’s the joy of games like the Mesopotamia board game. Repeated plays can leave you feeling a little disappointed, as the game lacks the long-term depth and variety to be a staple.

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