Settlers of Catan I Commit Hex Crimes mug

Settlers of Catan I Commit Hex Crimes mug

by The Beast!

(Boardgame Beast HQ)

Click to buy Settlers of Catan I Commit Hex Crimes mug from Zazzle!Click to buy this item from Zazzle!Settlers of Catan I Commit Hex Crimes mug

If you’re one of THOSE players — and you KNOW that you are — then this mug is the perfect riposte to opponents who bitch and moan.

There’s no more need to apologise for taking three wheat for a single sheep, always attacking the same player with the robber, or blocking a longest road move, just because you can. Hex crimes may not land you in jail, but you may not win friends and influence people. Who cares, so long as you win, right?

You simply MUST have a Hex Crimes mug if you play Settlers!

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