Retired Radko ornaments: Mr Monopoly Car

Retired Radko ornaments: Mr Monopoly Car

by The Beast!

(Boardgame Beast HQ)

Click to search for Monopoly Hallmark Christmas ornaments on eBay!Click to search for this item on eBay!Retired Radko ornaments: Mr Monopoly Car was available in the year 1997 and is now retired.

Radko ornaments are a totally different league to the cheaper ones by Enesco and Hallmark. They are far larger and heavier (this one measures about five inches long) and much more likely to be damaged if dropped, or knocked off the tree by the cat.

Keep the original box in good shape. eBay is as usual the best bet for finding ones for sale.

Now is a good time to search, if you have the cash, as cash-strapped collectors sell off their stuff. Don’t expect to snap the Radko ones up for pennies though, most often they exceed $50.

We’ve put together a live eBay listing tool for you below. All you need to do is scroll through the eBay items there. See something you like? Click and it will open the eBay listing in a new window!

Dozens more Monopoly pages on Boardgame Beast are linked below the eBay listings.

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