Franklin Mint Scrabble

Franklin Mint Scrabble

by Ashley Cotter-Cairns

(Boardgame Beast HQ)

Click to buy Franklin Mint Scrabble from eBay!Click to search for this item on eBay!Franklin Mint Scrabble

There’s only one REALLY exclusive Scrabble edition: the Franklin Mint edition. With 24 karat gold-plated tiles, a deluxe wooden board and all the nice extras you expect from premium editions, like a rotating board, storage space and raised letter grid to hold the tiles still during play.

This is a top-of-the-line gift for board game players, much as the Settlers of Catan Special Edition treasure chest proves popular with Catan fans, and should be more than well received by whoever is lucky enough to get it from you! List price is nearly $600, but we found mint condition sets on eBay (April 2010) trading from $300.

Enjoy! You’ve earned it.

Loads more Scrabble pages are linked below the eBay listings.

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